Outline of Phase 3
The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry was tasked with determining "what lessons can be learned for the current system of residential and foster care services in Jersey and for third party providers of services for children and young people in the Island." (Term of Reference 14).
Alongside its programme of hearings, the Panel visited child care services and facilities services and met with service providers and people receiving services (Phase 3a). Click here for details of these meetings.
The Inquiry heard expert evidence in July 2014 on constitutional and legal systems in Jersey and on the history of child care policy and services (Phase 3b).
The Inquiry consulted with the people of Jersey, groups and organisations involved with children about their aspirations for care services for children in Jersey in late 2015 (Phase 3c).
The Inquiry held public sessions where politicians, stakeholder organisations and individuals discussed with Panel members their ideas on the future of child care services (Phase 3d).
In May 2016, Interested Parties and Counsel to the Inquiry made submissions to the Panel on all the evidence that has been heard (Phase 3e).
Public Consultation
The Inquiry invited members of the public and organisations working with children and young people to assist its work by providing responses to the following questions:
For Jersey to deliver a high quality system of care for children that would set an example to the world:
- What would be required?
- What would need to change?
- What part could you play?
- Closing date for receipt of submissions was 31 December 2015.
No anonymous submissions were accepted. Submissions considered relevant by the Panel to its work are available on the Inquiry website here. Some members of the public whose submissions were accepted requested their names not be published online but were kept confidential to the Inquiry team.